EMBRACE Christian Counseling, Health & Wellness


To guide our clients to find the plenitude of life through knowing the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge and be filled with all the fullness of God.


1. Alcanzar a individuos, familias y comunidades a través de servicios de consejería, consultoría.
2. EMBRACE's mission is to provide counseling, guidance, support, coaching, and mentoring using the Faith and forgiveness of Jesus Christ as a primary tool to restore the identity of a child of God.
3. To reaffirm God's love in the inner being through your forgiveness and acceptance of each individual's unique design.
4. To define your identity and embrace your life's unique and special purpose.
5. Discover and multiply the gifts and talents God has given you to fulfill your purpose in life and time.
6. To outreach individuals, families, and communities through counseling, consulting, and public speaking services.

Our Calling

At EMBRACE we are a team of Christian professional therapist and counselors calling by the Lord Jesus to Bringing good news to the needy.
Healing the brokenhearted, proclaiming release to the captives and liberty to the prisoners, comforting those who mourn, and comforting those who suffer in the city.
Giving them a crown instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning,
A garment of celebration instead of a spirit of despair.
To rebuild the ruins of families, restoring the rubble of ancestors;
To repair the ruined cities, and the rubble of many generations.
(Based on Isaiah 61)

The Plenitud of Life

"Establishing your identity as a child of God, discovering the path to the Father's house, claiming your inheritance and rightful place, will enable you to outreach the fulness of life to realize the divine plan for your existence to be fil wiht all the Plenitud of Life which is Jesus."
(Josefina Cespedes, LMSW. 2020).
mind, body, spirit, soul and you

Organizational Values
Embrace Life Fullness Approach

1) Self-Awaereness: Discovering Your Self: Know yourself and explore your resources, gifts, and talent (1 John 3:1- 2; 1 Peter 2:9; Proverbs 31:10).
2) Acknowledge: Your strengths and weaknesses, acknowledging human limitations and your dependency on God’s love and sovereignty. (Psalm 32: 3-5; 2 Corinthians 13:5)
3) Acceptance: Accepting yourself and others as you are is the first step to provoke the necessary changes and growth (Isaiah 43:1).
4) Forgive: Receive God’s forgiveness to forgive yourselves and others.
5) Embrace: The fullness of life is the pathway to God’s Love ((Ephesians 3:17-19).
6) Love: Embrace the unconditional love of God to learn to love yourself and others.
(Ephesians 3:14-21
7) Plenitud of Life: The Fullness of Your Life - Your life purpose is to be filled with all the Plenitud of Life which is Jesus.

Christian Counseling


Plenitud Of Life


"Life is cyclical. So, here I am after 12 years; a cycle was completed in May 2020."
Josefina Cespedes, LMSW (2020).

Embrace Your Life Fullness.

This is my Story Josefina Cespedes, LMSW

“It was a beautiful, sunny day in the summer of 2008. I had only a year left to complete my Master of Social Work degree. I was standing at the window when my advisor called me and told me that my grades were too low to remain enrolled in the program. Suddenly, the beauty of my days disappeared in front of me.” (Josefina cespedes. 2020)

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Suddenly the beautiful summer day disappeared in front of me and eventually led to an emotional breakdown. However, I remained steadfast in my belief that God had a plan for my future. A decade later, I made the decision to return to Nyack College and confront the same obstacles that had previously challenged me. Despite the fear of failure and uncertainty about my ability to complete assignments on time, I remained determined to persevere and succeed in my academic pursuits.

As of April 30, 2020, I have reached the culmination of my academic pursuits as I conclude my final presentation for my MSW program. It is through the strength and guidance of the Lord that I have been able to complete this journey. I am grateful for His grace that has allowed me to see the light again, after a period of darkness. I attribute my success to Jesus alone; I hold to His Words and promise, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," (Philippianse 8:13).

Moving forward, I became a licensed LMSW in September 2021. My commitment to learning and growth remains steadfast and unwavering. Currently, I am exploring options to expand my childcare business into a Children and Family Educational Center, integrating my passion for the arts into all that I do. My services are further intertwined with ministry, as I lead a virtual church and prayer group. Ultimately, all my efforts are dedicated to glorifying His Name in His Kingdom.

A Dedicated Professional Christian Team

At EMBRACE, We are a Dedicated Christian Team of Counselors and Wellness Professionals.
Take that first step today, and let us help you to Embrace your life fullness.

Unveiling Your Full Potential

We believe that you were created with the potential to lead a fulfilling life, and we are here to help you unlock that potential.

A Holistic Approach
To Therapy & Wellness

Our holistic approach to therapy and wellness means that we work together as a team to provide you with the support and guidance you need to embrace the fullness of life.
Whether you need a therapist, nutritionist, or life coach, we have a professional who can help you on your journey.

Created With Self-healing
& self-regulation

Restore your body, mind, soul, and spirit.
The Lord Made You With the Capacity for
Self-healing and self-regulation.

Overcome limitations, and learn to Embrace
your whole life one day at the time.

Request an Apointment Today!

Schedule an appointment, and we will match you with one of our licensed professionals for the right services for you.